






2023年 あまりにも暑い夏の終わり(頃)に
ウリュウ ユウキ


How many times do people remember the scenery they have seen since they can remember?

After all, a large number of them does not mean that life is rich. There are landscapes that I remember consciously, there are landscapes that remain unconsciously in the back, and there are landscapes that I have forgotten or forgotten.
No one would argue that all of that continues today, at this very moment.

The journey to that landscape has been guided by many hands.
The first memory you have is the car your parents drove. Riding on trains, buses, planes, and ships is also an experience where someone other than yourself takes you to your destination. That consciousness is always in my corner.
With the exception of bicycles, I didn't have much experience running vehicles myself. I got my moped license when I was living in Tokyo, and got my car license 20 years ago when I came to Hokkaido. I have basically lived a satisfactory life without a car, here or there. This is thanks to the existence of a vehicle that allows someone other than myself to drive me, even if I decide where I want to go and what I want to do.
That all changed after I got my motorcycle license. I started traveling with luggage on a small 110cc motorcycle. It is to run as far as you twist the throttle with your right hand, and I feel the joy of going somewhere with my own will.

Driving a car or a motorcycle by yourself basically means traveling only looking forward. Distracted driving is not to be commended, and it is often the case that even if there is something that catches your eye in the scenery that catches your eye, you cannot stop immediately.
The scenery that flows from the front to the side and goes further and further behind. It's pretty hard to process that dizziness in your mind.
I attached a small camera to the rear box and pointed it to the side. I keep taking pictures every minute while I'm running. It accumulates in a memory card as a limitless random record.
Once the trip is over, look at the photos contained there. I'm sure there are many places I've been through. Although there are many photographs that can clearly be associated with places and situations, there are also quite a few that I have no idea what they are.
With my own will, I continued to run at speeds of several tens of kilometers per hour, and many of the memories of the scenery I had seen for a long time quickly faded away. However, when I connect the fragments in order, I can clearly recognize that I ran through this landscape and am here now.
I know, even if I don't remember. Because I was definitely there at that moment.

The scenery that has become a part of the wind and passed by. I know it all.
Even if I don't remember everything, I know. That journey is called a journey.

Yuuki URYU
End of most heated summer, 2023


感想ノート Message Note


Thank you for viewing my artwork for "Otaru Open-air Photo Exhibition in Former Temiya Railway 2023".
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    ●2023 小樽・鉄路・写真展
    ・期間……2023年8月28日(月)~9月10日(日) 14日間
    ・主催……小樽・鉄路・写真展 実行委員会
    ・後援……小樽市/小樽市教育委員会/NPO法人北海道を発信する写真家ネットワーク"THE NORTH FINDER"
    ・会場……小樽市色内2丁目10番地 旧手宮線跡地
    (JR函館本線 小樽駅/中央バス 小樽駅前ターミナルより中央通を徒歩7分 踏切跡地が入口です・マリンホール(小樽市民センター)裏手)
    ・時間……会期内は常時ご覧いただけます 夜間照明設置 (最終日 9月10日は17:00まで)

    "Otaru Open-air Photo Exhibition in Former Temiya Railway 2023"
    Mon. 28 Aug. - Sun.10 Sep. 2023
    Open 24 hours (Last day: Until 17:00) / Admission Free
    Venue : Former Temiya Railway
    2-10 Ironai, City of Otaru, Hokkaido Japan
    7 mins. walk from Otaru Railway Station


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