|『latest memory−あたらしい記憶−』|カラープリント(銀塩印画紙)・プラスチックパネル等|2011|
|『from Here to Everywhere−豊平3条8丁目−』|ゼラチン・シルバー・プリント|2009|


『latest memory』は昨年・2011年の『小樽・鉄路・写真展』作品の再構成だが、野外から屋内へと舞台を移し、ミニマルな空間の中に展開したことで新たな見せ方ができたと思っている。台座は相当頭を絞った結果、大型の紙コップに装飾用の白い砂利を満たし、そこにパネルを立てることに成功した。
『from Here to Everywhere』は2009年の撮影。会場の目の前にある国道36号線の歩道橋から札幌の中心部を望む。

For the opening of a space that has been rebuilt as a share house, a 40-year-old beauty salon building in an event to display artwork in unoccupied rooms.
The feeling of bringing a little extraordinary life into the space of “living” was very fresh, both for the viewer and the viewer.
“Latest memory” is a reconstruction of the work of “Otaru Open-air Photo Exhibition in Former Temiya Railway 2011”, but the stage was moved from the outdoors to the indoors and it was developed in a minimal space, giving a new way of showing. As a result of squeezing the pedestal considerably, a large paper cup was filled with decorative white gravel and the panel was set up there.
“From Here to Everywhere” was shoot in 2009. You can see the center of Sapporo from the pedestrian bridge on Route 36 in front of the venue.
This place was crosspoint between the Sapporo Tram and Jozankei Railway before about 40 years ago. This neighborhood that still retains the “station-front” atmosphere. For me who keeps tracing the memories of the city and taking pictures, there is no such attractive situation. I chose this one with the thought that I would like the viewer to touch a piece of the memory of this place.

>> https://www.yuukiuryu.com/news/774/
>> https://www.facebook.com/buie.sharehouse?sk=app_200266723374796

  • 会期 | Day 2012/01/08-15
  • 会場 | Venue シェアハウスBUIE学園前 (札幌) | Sherehouse "BUIE" Gakuen-mae (Sapporo,Hokkaido)
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